Bonded Warehouse

Advantages of a Bonded Warehouse of General Type
The bonded warehouse of general type is a public bonded warehouse providing storage services for imported goods, packing or re-packing goods, loading goods, distributing goods or other activities that Customs considers it appropriate to support production, industrial activities and international trade for a two-year period after the importation. The goods stored in the bonded warehouse of general type shall be exempted from imported taxes and duties upon exportation, transferring to other bonded warehouses, or sold to importers under those entitled for tax and duty exemption under Customs Tariff Decree or other relevant laws. The imported goods of each shipment may be partially removed from the bonded warehouse for domestic consumption provided taxes and duties applicable on the goods removed from the warehouse are paid. The applicable taxes and duties shall be calculated based on the nature and value of goods at the time of importation but classified in accordance to the Customs Tariff Decree at the time of removing the goods from the bonded warehouse.